Main Graphical Interface Objects in the Java-based DPX Management Interface

The Java-based DPX Management Interface consists of graphical interface objects that you can interact with Catalogic DPX by using the workstation screen, mouse, and keyboard.

Main window

In the main window of the Java-based DPX Management Interface, there are following graphical interface objects:

Title bar

The title of the function window appears in the title bar, along with the name of the master server, shown in parenthesis.

Menu bar

The menu bar provides access to a variety of tasks. Several menus such as File, Edit, and Help, appear on all function windows. Several menu options are function-specific. Function-specific menus are described in the topics specific to their function.

Context menus

Context menus are accessed by right-clicking a relevant area such as a resource, function, or column heading. Context menus vary depending on the context of their selection.

Function tab bar

The Function Tab bar provides access to the different function windows. These tabs are Backup, Restore, Monitor Jobs, Control Devices, Reports, Catalog, Copy, Manage Tapes, and Configure.

Task panel

The Task Panel features a collection of buttons, arranged in function-specific panels, that provide access to specific tasks and various functional modes.

Resource panes

The resource pane displays data storage units, or other resources configured for use in various capacities.


The resource refers to a general term that refers to a type of component or networked system that stores data. The resource could be an Enterprise, device cluster, tape library, SAN device, media pool, node group, node, disk, media volume, file, and non-SAN device. Resources appear in hierarchical tree structures.

Selection check box

The selection check box indicates the specific resource you are manipulating or operating on. Clicking the selection check box for a resource causes that resource to be selected or, if already selected, unselected. There are many states for a selection check box.

Function tabs

There are the following tabs in the function tab bar of the Java-based DPX Management Interface:


In the Backup tab, you can access a collection of operation tools for backing up your data: Backup Modes, (Backup) Job Tasks, and so on.


In the Restore tab, you can access a collection of operation tools for restoring your backups: Restore Modes, Define New Restore Job, Run Restore Jobs, and so on.

Monitor Jobs

In the Monitor Jobs tab, you can access a collection of job monitoring tools: Start or Resume Job, Hold Future Job, and so on. The main pane shows a list of jobs that are available in Catalogic DPX and brief information, such as status, for each job.

Control Devices

In the Control Devices tab, you can access a collection of operation tools for managing devices: Device Operations, Format Tape, Monitor Selected Device(s), and so on.


In the Reports tab, you can access a collection of reports: Device Report, Administrator Report, Job Report, and so on. You can also create these reports in PDF.


In the Catalog tab, you can access a collection of operation tools for catalogs: Backup (to create a catalog), Restore (a catalog that you created), and so on.


In the Copy tab, you can access a collection of operation tools for managing copy jobs: Define New Copy Job, Schedule Copy Job, Run Copy Job, and so on.

Manage Tapes

In the Manage Tapes tab, you can access a collection of operation tools for managing tape storage solutions: Define New Migration Job, Run Migration Job, and so on.


In the Configure tab, you can access a collection of configuration tools: Enterprise, Devices, Administrators, Defaults, and so on.


In the Analytics tab, you can access a collection of analytics tools. This tab and the analytics tools may be available if you have a valid license for this feature.

Click either function tab to open it, and the collection of items, such as tools and reports, appear in the task panel. Or, you can right-click either function tab and open either item in a new window.

Last updated