Chapter 35: Manual Tape Library Installation

Manual tape library installation involves creating, on the controller node, a device file for the tape library media changer. This media changer device file is a handle used by DPX to identify the hardware address of the media changer. It thereby allows communication with the media changer. Once that communication is established, the tape library driver controls the media changer.

This chapter explains how to manually install the media changer device file. This procedure is required if you are setting up your tape library using Manual Setup (Process B).

The manual installation procedure for the media changer device file varies according to the operating system installed on the controller node. To see specific installation instructions for a particular operating system, refer to the topic that applies to the controller node of your tape library:

Warning! DPX support for some of the documented operating systems has been discontinued.

See also. For the latest system compatibility details regarding supported hardware, file systems, applications, operating systems, and service packs, see Catalogic DPX 4.9.0 Compatibility Guide.

Furthermore, if you are using third party software no longer supported by the vendor, Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support may be limited for functions dependent on that software. To address certain issues, the analyst may recommend you upgrade the relevant software.

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