About SAP Backups

Using DPX for SAP backups is essentially transparent from the standpoint of the database administrator. The administrator simply starts the backup as he normally would. Brbackup determines what files need to be backed up and passes the list of files and other relevant information to Backint. If necessary, Brbackup shuts down the database.

Backint tells the master server to back up the files specified by Brbackup. At this point the job is a normal backup and as such benefits from DPX’s superior performance. You can monitor it as with any job. The job is governed by settings specified in the initsid.utl file.

Online or Hot Backups

For online backups, Backint tells Brbackup that DPX wants to back up a file. Brbackup puts the file in backup mode. When DPX finishes, Backint tells Brbackup to put the file in online mode. Backint minimizes the amount of time that any files are inaccessible.

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