Specifying Data to Restore

After filtering the displayed jobs, specify data to restore by using the Node Groups source tree selection space in the source pane on the Restore window.

If you expand the tree structure down to the file level, you can display a list of all the backed up versions of the file. The lists shows the backup date and time, the last modification date of the file, the VOLSER (serial number of the volume), and the number of the partition on which that backup of the file is located. You can click any version in the list to select it for restore.

For File Restores, you can also display versions at the directory or folder level. To do this, right-click directory icon and select Show Versions from the context menu. To return to the file level, right-click directory icon and select Show Directories/Files from the context menu.

See also. For more information about how to use the navigation trees in the Java-based DPX Management Interface, see the following document:

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