3. Add the Tape Library to the Enterprise

  1. Launch the management console.

  2. Open the Configure Devices window by clicking the Configure tab at the top of the window, then selecting Devices from the task pane.

  3. Select the Enterprise, then click Add Tape Library.

  4. Complete the active fields in the Add Tape Library dialog.

    Tape Library Name

    Enter a name, up to 13 alphanumeric characters, for the tape library, for example SALES_LIB. Tape library names must be unique.

    Storage Area Network

    Specify whether devices in the tape library are connected to a SAN. As stated, the best practice is to always select SAN, even when there is only one device path (i.e. only one host with drives).

    Tape Library Type

    Select a tape library type, for example EXB210, from the menu.

    Controller Node

    Specify your chosen controller node. As stated, the recommended controller node is the master server.

    Controller ID

    Enter the complete path and name to the media changer ID on the controller node. This is the value noted in step 3. For example, \\.\Changer12, \\.\sync_sa5, or dev/sg7.

    Device Type

    Select a device type, for example LTO, from the menu. All devices in a tape library must be the same type.

    Using Slot

    Enter the starting and ending slot numbers to use for media volumes. For example, entering 1 and 11 tells DPX that slot numbers 1 through 11 are reserved for DPX media volumes.

    Cleaning Slot

    Enter the slots used for the cleaning media. If there is only one cleaning slot, enter the slot number twice; for example, 0 through 0 indicates that slot number 0 contains a cleaning media. If there is no cleaning slot, enter -1 in each field.

    Cleaning Threshold

    Enter the number of times a drive can be used before it is cleaned.


    Enter an optional comment up to 48 characters.

  5. Click Add. The new tape library name appears in the device resource tree and is indicated by the selection check box.

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