Traceability of Software Updates

Users can trace all software update installations and their completion status. The following log files are generated which can be useful for troubleshooting:

On all affected nodes, the following file is generated summarizing the update history:


where product-directory is the main folder.

On all affected nodes, the following file is generated tracing all steps of the update process:


On all affected client nodes, the following file is generated tracing all Software Update related calls from the master server:

product_directory\updates\logs\client.<date stamp>.log

On the master server, the following file is generated tracing all Software Update steps carried out by the master server:

product_directory\updates\logs\master.<date stamp>.log

On the node from which the Software Update System has been run, the following log file for the Software Update System user interface is generated:

<user profile>\Local Settings\temp\GUI.<date stamp>.log

Last updated