Block Backup Wizard Step 6: Save and Run

Once you have completed the backup definition, save the definition as a backup job.

To save a job:

  1. Select a job from the Job List pull-down menu or enter a new job name in the Job Name field. You can use up to 16 alphanumeric characters, with no spaces, for a job name.

  2. Select a job folder from the Folder pull-down menu.

  3. Enter or change an optional comment.

  4. Click Finish. The Job Run Settings dialog box appears.

  5. Enter the retention period as a number of days in the Retention Days box. The default value is 90.

  6. To run the job immediately, select Run and click OK. If you do not want to run the job immediately, select Don’t run and click OK to close the Block Backup Wizard.

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