Previewing a Generic NDMP Restore Job

Once you have defined a restore job, use the Restore Preview function in the NDMP restore window to display the restore job before it is executed. If the restore definition indicated by the preview is not what you want, redefine the restore job. The restore preview can display volsers from where NDMP data will be restored.

To preview a job:

  1. Do one of the following to preview the restore job:

    • Right-click the Enterprise name or icon. From the context menu, select Preview.

    • Click Preview Restore Job on the task panel.

    The Restore Preview window opens. The top table identifies, by volser, the media from where the files will be restored.

    The second table displays the files to be restored and their properties. About 200 entries appear at a time.

    The Record Number field at the bottom displays the number of the entry at the top of the second table. Change the Record Number field to jump past blocks of files in the second table. For example, to review entries in the 700 to 900 range, enter 700. Then click Go.

    Use the Forward and Back buttons to page through the entries.

    Click Cancel to return to the Restore window. If your restore information is not what you wanted, redefine the restore definition and preview it again before running it. If you change the job definition, you must save it first before you can preview it.

Last updated