Additional Considerations for CSV in DPX

  • Failover is supported for CSV backups in DPX.

  • SQL 2017 Always On is supported with CSV.

  • SQL 2014 Always On is supported with CSV.

  • DPX uses Cmagent for communicating with the CSV cluster. No special ports are required.

  • To avoid a rebase, maintenance on the clustered nodes should be performed sequentially so that the entire cluster is not shut down at the same time. If you need to shut down the cluster, offline the volumes in the cluster manager first.

  • To avoid a rebase, dismount any CSV volume from the coordinator node only.

  • For a SQL 2014 database deployed on a Microsoft CSV volume, all covering CSV volumes must be online on the same node where the SQL role is online.

  • For a DPX virtual node containing one or more CSV volumes, the CSV and non-CSV volumes cannot be selected in the same job definitions. As a workaround, select CSV and non-CSV volumes in separate job definitions instead of selecting the entire cluster node in a single job definition.

Last updated