Adding an Administrator

DPX allows you to add new administrators to administrator groups.

To add an administrator to your Enterprise:

  1. Click the Configure tab on the Function Tab bar of the window, then click Administrators.

  2. In the left pane, select the Administrator Group that you want to add the new administrator to.

  3. Add a new administrator by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click the Administrator Group icon to bring up the context menu and select Add Administrator.

    • From the menu tool bar, select Administrator > Add Administrator.

    • On the task panel select, click Add Administrator.

    The add administrator dialog appears in the right pane of the Configure Administrators window.

  4. The fields in the Add Administrator dialog depend on the Authentication Mode selected in the Edit Enterprise function: Native or LDAP. If a field is displayed in only one of the authentication modes, the applicable mode is indicated in [brackets] after the field name in the description below, otherwise the field is common to both modes. For information about Authentication Mode, see Editing an Enterprise Configuration.

    • AdminGroupName

      This field is populated automatically based on the administrator group previously selected.

    • Administrator Name [Native authentication mode]

      Enter the user name for the new administrator. You can use up to 48 alphanumeric characters. If the name exists in native mode and you want to use it in LDAP mode, you must first remove the name from native mode.

    • Password [Native authentication mode]

      Enter a password for the new administrator.

      A valid password must meet the following criteria:

      • The password is between six and fourteen characters.

      • The password cannot include the user name or the terms “sysadmin”, “administrator” or “admin”.

      • The password contains English characters and at least one Base 10 digit.

    • Confirm Password [Native authentication mode]

      Enter the password again to confirm it.

    • LDAP Username [LDAP authentication mode]

      The username is provisioned from the LDAP server, thus no password is necessary. DPX validates the username. UTF-8 encoded usernames are supported. Supported length of the username is up to 48 bytes ASCII or approximately 24 double bytes, depending on language. Spaces are not supported in the username.

      Forest walking or referral chasing is supported with AD.

      The username must conform to the type selected in the Username Attribute field in the Edit Enterprise pane.

      This field only appears when the LDAP mode is enabled.

      Related Topics:

      • LDAP Server Settings Options [LDAP mode] in Editing an Enterprise Configuration

    • Comment

      Enter an optional comment.

  5. Select Add on the task menu at the top right of the right pane. If you are unable to see the task menu, resize the right pane.

The new administrator appears in the Administrator tree in the left pane.

Moving Administrators

An administrator can change administrator group by using drag-and-drop in the left pane of the Configure Administrators window. If so privileged, an administrator can temporarily become a system administrator by being dragged to the SYSADMIN administrator group. In this case, the administrators original privilege classes will be preserved so that when it is dragged back to a different administrator group, it still has the same privilege classes.

Last updated