Running SQL Server Restores

To restore SQL Server databases or an entire SQL Server, DPX must be able to log into the SQL Server. This means the SQL Server must be started. If you have lost the entire server, you must reinstall SQL Server and then follow the instructions for SQL Server Setup for DPX above.

When the SQL Server is started, start the management console and go to the File Restore window. If you have backed up any SQL Server databases, they will appear under their source node in the File Restore window as shown below:

To restore an individual database:

  • Click its folder.

To restore more than one database:

  • Click on each folder.

To set options for restoring to a fresh SQL installation in a different installation directory:

  1. Open the Restore Destination Options dialog box by clicking Set Destination Options. See Chapter 28: Restore Job Options.

  2. Use the following two job options to specify the restore path for the database files:

    • MS SQL New Location

      If this job option is set, then all database files will be moved to that path. If the job option is not set, then no real location will take place. Default is not set (empty string).

    • MS SQL New Location Logs

      If this job option is set, then transaction log files will be moved to this path. If the job option is not set, transaction log files will be moved to the same path as the database files. This job option only has meaning if MS SQL New Location is set. Otherwise, no reallocation will take place. Default is not set (empty string).

Warning! When restoring to a new location, your original production database is removed from the original disk. For an explanation and work-around, read knowledge base article 41655.

Note. DPX does not support restoring the master and model databases to a new location because it is not supported by SQL Server.

For more information on running restores, see Chapter 21: Restore.

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