Adding an Administrator Group

Configure Administrators allows you to add new administrator groups to fulfill limited or broad functions.

To add an administrator group to your Enterprise:

  1. Click the Configure tab on the Function Tab bar of the window, then click Administrators. If you right-click Configure Administrators will open in a new window.

  2. In the left pane, select the Enterprise.

  3. Add a new administrator group by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click the Enterprise icon to bring up the context menu and select Add Administrator Group.

    • From the menu tool bar, select Administrators > Add Administrator Group.

    • On the task panel select, click Add Administrator Group.

    The Add Administrator Group dialog appears in the right pane of the Configure Administrators window.

  4. Complete the active fields in the Add Administrator Group dialog.

    • AdminGroupName

      Enter the name for the new administrator group. You can use up to 48 alphanumeric characters, no spaces.

    • Maximum Password Age

      The Password Age is the number of days that a password can be used by an administrator before it expires.

      Selecting Use Enterprise Setting tells to default to the password age set on the Edit Enterprise dialog. Selecting Set Password Age exposes an edit field in which you must enter a password age which gets applied to this administrator group. The password age must be between 0 and 999, where 0 means “never expire”. See Editing an Enterprise Configuration.

    • Comment

      Enter an optional comment. You can use up to 48 alphanumeric characters, no spaces.

  5. Select Add on the task menu at the top right of the right pane. If you are unable to see the task menu, resize the right pane.

The new administrator group appears in the Administrator tree in the left pane.

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