Updating the Catalogic DPX nodes from a Local Repository

You can update the Catalogic DPX nodes in the Enterprises by using the Java Archive (JAR) files. Take the following steps to update the Catalogic DPX nodes from their shells:

  1. From your web browser, sign in to the Catalogic Software MySupport website.

  2. Go to the product page for Catalogic DPX 4.8.0 if you are using the virtual appliance series. Otherwise, go to the product page for Version 4.8.1. See the section Software Updates and the subsection DPX Client Updates. From the DPX Core Updates section, download the Java archive (JAR) file for the operating system that you are using.

  3. Copy the JAR file to the following directory in the target node, typically, by using an SCP client:


    In Microsoft Windows, use backslashes (\) instead of the slashes (/).

  4. On that node, set the proper environmental variable PATH for accessing the java command or specify the path to the java runtime environment (JRE).

    Use the Java Run-time Environment (JRE) for Catalogic DPX on each node and run either one of the following commands:

    For nodes of the Linux or UNIX systems:

    <product-directory>/misc/jre/bin/java -jar <package name>.jar

    For nodes of the Microsoft Windows systems:

    <product-directory>\tools\jre\bin\java.exe -jar <package-name>.jar
  5. Follow the instructions displayed by the installer to complete the installation.

The software update system uses a graphical user interface and deploys the updates to remote nodes. Alternatively, you can install software update packages manually at the node that requires the update.

Note that you can identify the update level on any node by examining the contents of the patches.level file located in the <product-directory>\updates folder on that node. <product-directory> is the main DPX directory. At the end of the manual update process, the contents of the patches.level file are automatically updated.

Last updated