Using the Installation Wizard to Install on UNIX or Linux

To install on a UNIX or Linux machine:

  1. Log in as user root.

  2. From the machine you are installing on, navigate to the location where the installers have been made available. See Downloading the OVA file and ISO Images. To start the installation wizard, run the installer that corresponds to your system.

    Installer names have the format DPX-<version>-<platform>-installer.bin; for example, DPX-4.9.0-linux-x64-installer.bin.

  3. The license agreement displays. Select I accept the agreement. Click Forward.

  4. Specify the directory where you want to install or accept the default directory. Click Forward.

Note. For an upgrade installation, select the directory where the product is currently installed.

  1. Select the components to install. For a master server installation, all components are installed. For a client installation, you can optionally select Virtualization Proxy Server. The following are the installation components:

    • Client. Installs client software, which enables backup of the machine once it is added to the Enterprise. Any supported client can be a device server. Client software automatically installed on the master server enables the master server itself to be backed up.

    • Master server virtual appliance. The DPX master server appliance is the one machine that holds and manages the Catalog. You perform this deployment once. The DPX master server appliance is deployed as an OVA.

    See also. For the latest system compatibility details regarding supported hardware, file systems, applications, operating systems, and service packs, see Catalogic DPX 4.9.0 Compatibility Guide.

Click Forward.

  1. You can add the node to the Enterprise. If you want to add the node, select Yes. If you do not want to add the node to the Enterprise, select No. In this case, you can add the node later using the Configure function on the management console. See Adding a Node. Click Foward.

  2. If you select Yes in the previous step, you are prompted to provide node identification details. Group Name is the name of the node group where the node is added. Every node in the Enterprise belongs to a node group. If the node group name you enter does not exist, DPX creates it. Specify node details, and then click Forward.

    For installation on a client, skip the next two steps, which apply only to master server installation.

  3. For a new installation of a master server, you are prompted to provide the license key. See Updating the License Key in the User’s Guide. Select from the following options:

    • License Key File. Browse to a file containing only the license key. Create this file by cutting and pasting the key from the email into a key file.

    • License Key. Enter the license key manually. Either type the license key or copy and paste it from the email.

    Click Forward.

  4. You may be prompted for credentials:

    • If you are installing a master server, you are prompted for a password. Enter a password for the DPX user ID sysadmin. The system administrator is a special user with universal rights to all functions.

    • If you are installing on an OES Linux client, enter the root password, eDirectory user name, and eDirectory password. Enter the eDirectory distinguished user name and password, which contain the context of the user object.

    Click Forward.

  5. Select Yes or No to indicate if you want to can enable DPX Block Data Protection on the node; this backs up the node using block-level snapshot technology. Only changed blocks are backed up, reducing backup time, transmission load, CPU impact, and storage requirements. If you select No, the client is protected using traditional file-level backup. Click Forward.

  6. Review your selection on the summary window. Click Finish. Installation begins.

  7. After installation completes, click Finish.

Note. To complete your installation, install the latest software updates for your version of DPX. See Chapter 7: Catalogic DPX Software Update System.

Note. After an installation completes, install logs are written to <product-directory>/logs. The log file is install.<release>.log.

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