Tape Library Setup using the Device Configuration Wizard

The following are the tasks for setting up the tape library when using the Device Configuration Wizard:

1. Connect the Tape Library

2. Install and Configure the Tape Library by Using the DPX Device Configuration Wizard

Following is important information you might need to know before starting:

Launching command line utilities:

  • From a Linux DPX node, set up the correct environment:

    1. Bring up a terminal window, log in as root, and navigate to the bin directory under the main installation directory.

    2. Enter: . ./bexenv

    Warning! Files bexenv and bexads may be overwritten during upgrades. Users can add custom environment variable settings to the bexenv.conf and bexads.conf files using a text editor. The bexenv and bexenv.conf files are contained in the /opt/DPX/bin/ directory and the bexads and bexads.conf files are stored in the /opt/DPX/misc directory. These files will retain user added settings even after an upgrade.

    1. Set the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately for you output device, if not already done.

  • From a Windows DPX node, click Start, click All Programs, then select the product-directory folder, then choose Command Prompt. This sets some important environment variables. Note that users of Windows 2008 R2 and later must open the Command Prompt window with Run as Administrator, even if logged in as Administrator.

Using the DPX detect utility:

The detect utility displays media changers and tape drives that are accessible from a given device server or controller node. This utility is found in the /bin/JB subdirectory under the main DPX installation directory.

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