Chapter 26: Jobs

In Catalogic DPX, you can manage a single or group of tasks as jobs. For example, you can create a backup job to back up specific VMs in your VMware environment. Moreover, you can schedule, suspend, resume, monitor, or remove the backup job. Similarly, you can create a job for different types of operations, such as backing up Microsoft Hyper-V VMs or restoring a backup snapshot.

To launch the Monitor Jobs window, click the Monitor Jobs tab on the Function Tab Bar.

Tip. To make the Job Monitor open by default when DPX starts, right-click the Monitor Jobs function tab and select from the drop-down menu Set This as Home Page.

The Monitor Jobs window opens as a single pane, but becomes a split pane after the first time you select a job and monitor it (see Monitoring a Job). You can choose to split the pane horizontally or vertically by using the View menu.

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