Elements of the Configure Holidays Window

  • Configure Holidays: Menu Bar

    Most of the common menu items appear on the Configure Holidays window (see Common Menu Bar Options in the User’s Guide). The View menu does not appear.

Note the organization of the window:

  • The window displays the month and year at the top of the calendar. Clicking single arrows to the left and right of the month/year field moves the month backward or forward. Clicking double arrows moves the year.

  • A panel to the right of the calendar lists the holidays defined for the selected year.

  • Click a day on the calendar to select or deselect a day. A selected day turns red, and the date appears in the list of defined holidays.

To define holidays:

  1. Select a year using the double arrow buttons on the calendar.

  2. Select a month, using either of the singe arrow buttons on the calendar.

  3. Click as many days as you need in the month.

  4. Click OK.

Repeat the above steps for other months.

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