Installation and Configuration Process

  1. Log on to the system with a user ID that has write privileges for the Oracle lib directory, the Oracle dbs directory, and the product directory.

  2. Install client software on the Oracle node. If you are installing in a Windows environment, assure that the binary file BEXpipe.exe is in the bin folder under the main folder.

  3. Go to the management console and add the Oracle node to the Enterprise.

  4. Proceed through the database installation and configuration as follows:

    • On UNIX:

      1. On the Oracle node, run the installation program. For UNIX, this is /misc/BEXdbins inside the product directory. ORACLE_HOME has to be set prior to running BEXdbins.

      2. The UNIX script guides you through the installation process but offers two options: Install the BEX Interface for one or more databases and Configure BEX parameters for one or more databases. First run the Install option, then run the Configure option, then exit the script.

      3. For some UNIX platforms, when the installation program installs an MML, you need to manually relink the Oracle kernel. This process is platform-dependant and varies depending on how Oracle was installed. Determine if you need to manually relink the Oracle kernel, and if so, relink it.

    • On Windows:

      1. On the Oracle node, click Start > Programs > Catalogic DPX > Database Configuration Utility.

      2. The Application Interface Configuration dialog appears.

      3. In the right pane, enter the master server hostname, user name, and password.

      4. In the left pane, select the database you are interested in setting up.

      5. Follow instructions provided in the right pane.

Note. For Oracle installations on Linux machines without a DPX Management Console, DPX requires that the library libXrender is present.

Note. Tape encryption requires setting specific parameters. See Encryption Consideration for Database Applications.

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