Seeding Stage 1

Seeding is initiated from the Java-based DPX Management Interface. In Stage 1 you create a seeding backup job. Select a resource to back up and a destination device just as you do for any other Block backup. However, for a seeding job, you must select a tape device.

To define a seeding restore job, take the following steps:

  1. Click Backup, then in the Task Panel click Block.

  2. In the Task Panel, click Define Seeding Job.

  3. In the SOURCES pane, expand the display, then click a selection box to select a resource to back up. Alternatively, you could select the entire node for backup.

  4. In the DESTINATION pane, expand the display, then click a selection box to select a backup destination. If you choose to use a portable or removable disk drive, the Device Type of the device cluster and the Media Type of the media pool must be set to DISKDIRECTORY. See Backup to DiskDirectory in the Reference Guide. Selecting every volume on a node selects the entire node for backup, including all application data.

  5. In the Task Panel, select Save Backup Job. The Save Seeding Job dialog box appears. Name the job, up to 16 alphanumeric characters, and select OK. Do not use the prefix i_. This job name prefix is supplied automatically after the backup runs and displays in Stage 2, where backup instances, with job names, are listed for restore. For example, seedbackup will be listed as i_seedbackup.

  6. In the Task Panel, select Run Backup Job. A dialog box prompts for a retention period. Enter a retention period (days) or accept the default. Click OK. The backup job starts.

  7. Once the backup is complete, arrange for the shipping of the base backup media. When you have received the media at the Catalogic DPX Open Storage Server location and loaded it into a media device, you are ready for Seeding Stage 2.

Last updated