5. Add the SAN device paths to the Enterprise

  1. Launch the management console.

  2. Open the Configure Devices window by selecting the Configure tab at the top of the window, then selecting Devices from the task pane.

  3. Select the first of the newly added tape drives, then click Add Device Path.

  4. Complete the active fields in the Add Device Path dialog if they are available.

    Device Path Name

    Enter or accept the default name for the path. This is the name that is used to access this device through the node and ID you specify in the next two fields. On the management console, the SAN device path appears as device_path_name@logical_node_name.

    Logical Node Name

    Select the name of a node from which the device can be accessed, for example SALES_SERVER1. This node must have been previously defined through the Configure Enterprise function. The master server is recommended.

    Device ID

    Using the Alias Name from the worksheet above, enter a Device ID of the form nr[alias_name]a. For example, if the alias name is st3, enter nrst3a.


    Enter an optional comment up to 48 characters.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each drive.

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