Suspending Jobs

Work with the Job List on the Job Monitor Window to suspend one or more jobs.

Prerequisites for suspending jobs

  • The status of a job must be Running or Waiting before you can suspend it.

  • You cannot suspend a running the Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection job.

  • You can suspend only the instance of a job that appears in the job list of the Monitor Jobs window.

  • The job will suspend only after the current task completes.

To suspend one or more jobs, do the following:

  1. On the Job List, select the job or jobs you want to suspend. Multiple job selection is supported using standard [Ctrl] and [Shift] operations, or by clicking Select All or Select None on the task bar.

  2. On the task panel, click Suspend Job.

When a job is suspended, the job status changes to Suspended.

Note. Unlike Hold, Suspend can pause a running job, and Suspend acts on a single instance of a backup job, whereas Hold acts on all instances. See Holding and Releasing Scheduled Jobs.

Last updated