Prerequisites for Updating Catalogic DPX 4.8.0 Virtual Appliances to 4.8.1

Review the following prerequisites before updating Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance 4.8.0 to Version 4.8.1:

  • Review Catalogic DPX 4.8.1 Compatibility Guide and ensure that your system meets the requirement for Catalogic DPX 4.8.1.

  • Valid credentials for the following components:

    • The Catalogic MySupport website

    • The sysadmin account for the HTML5-based DPX Management Interface

    • The dpxadmin account for the Linux shell of the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance

    • The admin account for the Linux shell and the HTML5-based vStor Management Interface of the Catalogic DPX vStor virtual appliance

    • VMware vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V Manager that host the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance

  • Take a snapshot or checkpoint of the Catalogic DPX virtual appliance in VMware vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V Manager.

  • Complete Catalog backup

  • Wait until all running jobs are completed. Pause scheduled jobs so as not to run these jobs during the upgrade process.

  • Check free spaces at specific mount points by using the following shell command:

  • $ df -h / /var /catalogic
      Filesystem                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/mapper/lg_os-lv_root   22G  2.8G   19G  13% /
      /dev/mapper/lg_os-lv_var    20G  4.5G   16G  23% /var
      /dev/mapper/dpx-dpxlv      167G  2.6G  156G   2% /catalogic

    Ensure that there are sufficient spaces: 4 GB at /, 4 GB at /var, and 10 GB at /catalogic.

See also. If you do not have sufficient spaces in either mount point, extend the disk volumes in the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance. See the following instructions:

In addition, you have to complete either one of the following tasks:

For VMware users

Follow the instructions in "Preparations for virtual appliances on VMware".

For Microsoft Hyper-V users

You must contact Catalogic Technical Support ( and request assistance before proceeding the product update.

Last updated