Upgrading Catalogic vStor 4.8.0 to 4.8.1

Beginning from Version 4.8.1, the operating system of the Catalogic vStor has changed from CentOS Linux 7 to AlmaLinux OS 8 for rapid responding to newly discovered vulnerabilities while maintaining the product stability. This migration process needs some additional steps in the product upgrade from Version 4.8.0.

Attention! This procedure about updating the Catalogic vStor 4.8.0 to Version 4.8.1 is very similar to the other procedure for the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance. However, there are a few differences including but not limited to

  • The procedure which requires the operating system update applies to both Catalogic vStor for Linux in addition to the virtual appliance edition. In Catalogic DPX Master Server, the operating system update is required for the virtual appliance edition only.

  • The update directory and files are different.

  • You must restart the system and select the Linux kernel version 3 before updating the operating system.

Follow the instructions in this chapter carefully even after reading or completing the instructions for the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance.

Last updated