Introduction to Lotus Notes/Domino Interface

DPX provides a high-performance interface for seamless online backups and recoveries of Lotus Notes databases and DAOS files.

See also. For the latest system compatibility details regarding supported hardware, file systems, applications, operating systems, and service packs, see Catalogic DPX 4.9.0 Compatibility Guide.

Note. DPX supports only non-partitioned Lotus Domino databases.

On the File Backup window and the File Restore window, DPX displays the Lotus Domino server as a disk labeled LOTUS_DOMINO. The following shows a representation of an expanded Lotus Domino server:

DAOS files are saved as .nlo files in the DAOSDIR directory. Lotus Notes databases are in the DATADIR directory. Lotus Notes transaction logs are in the LOGSDIR directory.

Note. To ensure the DAOSDIR directory displays under the LOTUS_DOMINO disk, change the DAOS directory to a location that is different from the default location.

Only archived Lotus Notes transaction logs are viewable from the management console. Archived transaction logs are those that are no longer logging transactions. Active transaction logs are not viewable from the management console.

Note. .lfh and .lck files may be reported during backup as not saved due to being used by another process. These files are temporary Lotus server lock files. They may be safely skipped during backup and are not required for restore. Thus you can disregard the not saved messages.

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