Adding VMware PVSCSI Controllers in VMs

If you do not see "VMware Paravirtual" in the SCSI controller of the virtual appliance, take the following steps:

  1. Click ADD NEW DEVICE > SCSI Controller. In Open New SCI Controller * in the list and set “Change Type” to “VMware Paravirtual” and set “SCSI Bus Sharing” to “None”. Click OK to close the dialog.

  2. Log in to a shell session of the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance with the dpxadmin account.

  3. Switch to root access by using the following shell command:

    $ sudo bash
  4. Load the driver for VMware PVSCSI in the kernel:

    # mkinitrd -f -v /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
  5. Shut down the system:

    # shutdown now
  6. Repeat Step 1 for SCSI Controller 0 to change the type to "VMware Paravirtual". You can keep SCSI Controller 1 which is VMware Paravirtual.

  7. Power on the VM.

Ensure that the Linux system starts normally and the SCSI Controller 0 and 1 are set to "VMware Paravirtual".

Last updated