Restoring Oracle Databases by using Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection

This topic provides an overview of the process for restoring Oracle with the Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection. No more than one Oracle database should be restored in a given restore job.

See also. For detailed information about restore using Catalogic DPX, see the following documents:

Launching the Restore Window

To restore Oracle tablespaces, select the Restore tab from the Function Tab Bar, then click Block. The Block Restore window displays two panes, the source pane and the destination pane. Oracle databases appear as yellow disks on the restore source pane.

Methods of Restore for Oracle Databases

In Catalogic DPX, there are four methods to restore your Oracle Databases:

Logical View Restore: Regular

This is the default view that appears when you open the Restore window in Catalogic DPX. It is the default method for Block restores, transferring data over the network. It is also the most limited method.

Logical View Restore: Quick Restore

This method performs an Instant Access mapping, thereby making Oracle data, archive logs, and control file quickly available.

Logical View Restore: Cloning

This method clones an Oracle database on an alternate node by way of Instant Access. In contrast, “Regular” Oracle restore does not use Instant Access, and “Quick Restore”, though it uses Instant Access, does not actually recover a database.

Physical View Restore

With this method, all backed up Oracle data files, control file, parameter file, and archive logs are available for individual selection, but no Oracle application level processing is done by Catalogic DPX.

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