General Limitations

Note the following limitations:

  • DPX Block Data Protection supports verification of content databases through SQL application verification.

  • A SQL verification node cannot be a cluster node. See Verifying Application Backups.

  • When backing up the SQL application under the physical node, without SharePoint on the virtual node included or selected, DPX does not coordinate the backup of SharePoint databases with SharePoint VSS writer; therefore, those backups may not be SharePoint consistent. To ensure the best level of protection for SharePoint, create a backup job that backs up all of the SharePoint physical nodes, and the SharePoint application on the selected virtual node, at the same time.

Note. When a backup job only backs up physical nodes, that backup may not be SharePoint-consistent. If a backup job only backs up the application, the resulting backup will not fully protect the physical nodes of that SharePoint farm. Furthermore, if you run other backup jobs that do protect the physical nodes, those backups will duplicate many of the items that appear in the SharePoint application backups.

  • You cannot use a cluster node as a SharePoint control node for SharePoint backups.

  • Do not execute BMR restores of SharePoint virtual nodes, even if you are allowed to select them in a BMR restore session.

Last updated