Verifying a Media Volume

Use the Verify Tape option to ensure that DPX can read either an entire media volume or a particular media volume partition. This option applies to a media volume in a single non-NDMP drive. You can choose the level of verification that you want the device control function to perform.

Requirement for verifying a media volume:

  • The device status must be up.

To verify a media volume:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the required device name or icon to display a context menu. Select Verify Tape.

    • Select the device on which you want to verify a media volume and do one of the following:

      • From the menu bar, select Device > Verify.

      • On the task panel, click Verify Tape.

    The device is acquired, and Verifying tape appears in the status field.

    The Verify Media dialog box appears.

    The following describes the fields on the Define Verify Media dialog box:

    • Level

      Specifies the data verification technique DPX uses when checking a media volume. The higher the verification level the greater the safety and the longer the verification takes. Each verification level builds upon the preceding level. For example, level 3 performs level 1 and level 2 verification as well. Choose a verification level from the pull-down menu.

      Level 1

      Reads the partition to ensure that it is readable.

      Level 2

      Reads the partition and ensures that the SIDF headers are present and contain the correct information. Performs level 1 verification as well.

      Level 3

      Ensures that each file on the media volume generates a checksum value that matches the one contained in the SIDF header. This verification is only performed if the checksum feature was set to ON in Destination Options when the backup was cataloged. Performs level 1 and level 2 verifications as well.

    • Partition #

      Indicates the partition you want to verify. The term partition refers to the backup on the media volume. A media volume contains multiple partitions or backups only if “Append Data” is selected in the Tape Usage field on the Set Job Destination Options screen. Enter 0 to verify the entire media volume.

  2. Click OK. The Verify Media dialog box disappears.

    Use the Monitor Operations dialog to view status information about the verification. If the verification fails, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot restore data. You can restore everything up to the failure point. You may want to scan the media volume to determine the location of the failure point and to see just what files you can restore.

    Related Topics:

    After the media volume has been verified, the volume serial number, as stored on the media volume label is displayed under the VOLSER column heading. The device is released after the read format function is completed.

    Related Topics:

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