Virtual controllers are the physical hardware which house virtual machines. Since multiple virtual machines are contained within each virtual controller, DPX recognizes each virtual controller as a node group and its corresponding virtual machines as individual nodes.
Considerations for configuring a virtual controller:
DPX only recognizes virtual machines that reside on virtual controllers if they are running Windows.
Virtual controllers must reside on the same network as your master server.
DPX currently supports VMware ESX virtual controllers.
To configure a virtual controller:
Open the Configure Enterprise window.
On the task panel, select Add VM Nodes. The Enter Virtual Controller Information dialog box appears.
In the Controller Name field, enter either the virtual controller’s name or IP address.
In the User Name and Password fields, enter the user name and password for logging into the virtual controller. These fields do not refer to the user name and password used to log into DPX.
Click Discover. A new dialog box appears listing all virtual machines associated with the specified virtual controller.
Click View DPX Nodes to filter the virtual machines displayed in the dialog box for machines that have DPX installed.
Do one of the following:
Select the virtual machines that you would like to add to your Enterprise by checkmarking the appropriate boxes in the left-most column. Click Add to begin scanning the checkmarked virtual machines.
Click Add All to scan all selectable virtual machines with DPX.
Once this process completes, these machines will be available to your Enterprise.
Virtual machines possess the same capabilities as physical machines and can act as source nodes and destination nodes for all kinds of jobs.
Last updated