Verifying Application Backups

You can choose to verify your Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection application backups (SQL Server, Exchange, Oracle). Application backup verification involves mapping the backup instance to a verification node, verifying the integrity of the application backup, and unmapping.

The backups are verified through the use of an Instant Access mapping of the backed up instance to a specified verification node. The verification node must have the application tools (i.e. Exchange tools or SQL Server tools or Oracle tools) on it to perform the verification. It is recommended that the verification node should not have a database on it. The verification node is associated with the backup source node and it is entered on the Edit Node dialog of the management console. See Editing a Node in the Reference Guide.

The verification can be done inline (as part of the backup job, performed before cataloging) or deferred (done after the cataloging as a separate job). The decision whether to do inline or deferred verification is associated with the backup source node and it is entered on the Edit Node Dialog of the management console. See Editing a Node in the Reference Guide.

Inline verification occurs as part of the backup job before cataloging. Verification tasks appear in the job monitor as they occur. If the inline verification fails, the job fails and it is not cataloged in the Catalog.

Deferred verification can be performed automatically at a given time interval or can be run by the user on demand. After each deferred verification, the corresponding backup instance is updated in the Catalog with the status.

On demand verification is initiated from the Restore window by right-clicking the job instance to verify and selecting Verify from the context menu. Information boxes appear as the verification job is created. When you click Run or Run and Monitor on the final information box, the verification job is queued up and begins as soon as possible.

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