Installing DPX on SharePoint Control Nodes

Use the SharePoint control node installation process to deploy DPX as a SharePoint control node on a SharePoint front-end server.

Note. DPX reserves port 10000 for specific functions because it is a registered NDMP port that is essential for advanced functionality. If you leave port 10000 available to other applications, the DPX installation will fail. Before installing DPX on a node, ensure that other applications are not using port 10000. SharePoint requires many ports on a server, make sure not to use port 10000 when configuring SharePoint.

After you have finished installing DPX as a SharePoint control node for the SharePoint virtual node group, update the configuration of that SharePoint control node in the Enterprise before running any processes. Make these updates using the Edit Node panel. See Updating SharePoint Control Node Configurations.

To install DPX on a SharePoint control node:

  1. Launch the installation as usual, for details, see Chapter 5: Local Installation in the Reference Guide.

  2. When DPX detects SharePoint, the DPX Setup Type – Additional Options window displays an Enable SharePoint Services VSS Writer check box in the Additional Options section of the window. When installing DPX as a SharePoint control node, make sure to check that option.

    If you do not select the check box option to enable the SharePoint Services VSS writer during the installation, manually enable the writer after the installation using the stsadm command in SharePoint. For more information about this command, see “Enabling Microsoft SharePoint Services VSS Writer on SharePoint Control Nodes”.

  3. After clicking Next, a pop-up window displays a warning: DPX is going to enable the SharePoint Services VSS writer. This might take a few minutes. Click OK to proceed.

  4. A pop-up message will indicate if the enabling process was successful. Click OK to proceed.

Note. If an installation on a front-end server installs DPX, but does not enable the SharePoint writer, enable the VSS writer manually. For a description of this manual process, see Enabling Microsoft SharePoint Services VSS Writer on SharePoint Control Nodes.

  1. The DPX Destination Folder window appears. If you need to change the location of this installation, see Chapter 5: Local Installation in the Reference Guide. When you are ready, click Next to proceed.

  2. When the SharePoint Authentication window appears, provide account information for a user account that has administrator-level privileges on this server, and that same account must have administrator level access to SharePoint itself. For more information about SharePoint user account requirements, see SharePoint Installation and Configuration Requirements.

    When specifying access account credentials, consider the following:

    • If SharePoint is installed under a domain account, be sure to use the domain account that has the same privileges.

    Note. When SharePoint is installed under a domain account, the SharePoint 2010 VSS Writer service also needs to be configured using a domain account with the same privileges.

    • Ensure that this account can access the SQLServerWriter service.

Note. For more information about SharePoint user account requirements see SharePoint Installation and Configuration Requirements.

  1. A pop-up message will ask you to update the configuration of the SharePoint control node from the management console. Click OK to proceed. To update the configuration of that node, see Updating SharePoint Control Node Configurations.

Note. For general information about SharePoint’s configuration, including the SharePoint virtual node group, the SharePoint virtual node, or the SharePoint application, see About Physical and Virtual Nodes.

After you finish installing, verifying, and updating a SharePoint control node, you must configure that node’s failover settings. For more information about updating the failover configuration of a SharePoint control node see Configuring Automatic Failover Functionality for SharePoint Farms.

Last updated