Prerequisites for Registering Cloud Storage with Catalogic DPX

Review the following prerequisite items before registering your cloud storage with Catalogic DPX:

  • Every device must be a member of one and only one device cluster.

  • All devices in a cluster must use the same media. For example, devices that use disk directories and devices that use tape cannot be in the same device cluster.

  • A single device cluster cannot contain both devices on a Storage Area Network (SAN) and devices directly connected to a server. They must be in separate device clusters.

  • A failed archive job that is a base will force the next backup to be a base even if it is scheduled to be incremental or differential.

To use the node as a Cloud Proxy when the firewall is enabled, the node must have the NIB_PORT_RANGE set, and the NDMP ports must be open.

Limit the available port range configuration using the NIB_PORT_RANGE option. Note that the number of ports in the range must be at least as many as the number of concurrent NDMP operations.

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