Generic NDMP Restore without File History Processing

For backups that are performed without file history processing, limited information is provided to the master server Catalog. The result is that file name detail does not appear in the tree structure in the restore window.

The tree structure expands only to the point explicitly selected for backup. For example, you selected for backup /vol/vol0/etc/backup, then you can expand the tree structure to the directory backup in the restore window.

To restore specific files or directories below this level:

  1. Right-click the backup instance to open a context menu.

  2. Click Specify a New Path. The NDMP Directory Path dialog appears.

  3. In the NDMP Directory Path dialog box, enter the full path of files or directories to restore. You can specify multiple files or directories if you separate them by a space. If file or directory names contain spaces, enclose them in double quotes so they are treated as a single entry. When specifying a path, use UNIX syntax (for example, /directory_name).

To restore to a specific location the management console cannot browse to:

  1. In the Destination pane, navigate to the desired destination volume and right-click the backup instance to open the context menu.

  2. Click Create New Directory. The Define Target Directory dialog appears.

Note that not all data formats can be restored to a subfolder in a volume. The data formats supported for such restores depend on the vendor. Generally, if the backup supports file history processing, then the backup process is inherently file based, and the backup data can be restored to any volume. NDMP methods that control whole-volume data formats are usually recovered to a new or empty volume.

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