Overview of Update Procedures for Catalogic DPX

There are three ways to update Catalogic DPX:

  • Online autoupdate (recommended)

    In most cases, it is recommended to use the online autoupdate method so that the Catalogic DPX Master Server automatically downloads and installs the latest update package files to the server itself or all nodes in its Enterprises. This method is recommended but it requires the Internet access for the Catalogic DPX Master Server. Follow the instructions in Updating Catalogic DPX Using Autoupdate.

  • Offline autoupdate

    The offline autoupdate method does not require the Internet access for the Catalogic DPX Master Server; instead, you have to copy update package files to the designated directory (or “repository”) in the Catalogic DPX Master Server, typically, by using an SCP client on your workstation. Then install the update package files. Follow the instructions in Updating Catalogic DPX Using Autoupdate.

  • Command-line update

    Instead of using the Java-based DPX Management Interface, you can copy an update file in the designated directory of the Catalogic DPX Master Server or each node, and invoke the software update from the shell: Bash for Linux, Microsoft PowerShell for Microsoft Windows, and so on.

See also. Go to the product page in the Catalogic Software MySupport website to see information about new product releases, release notes, update instructions, etc. For additional information about the software update system, see:

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