Installing Catalogic DPX Software Update Packages

The following is the procedure for retrieval, deployment, and installation of software update packages:

  1. From a supported web browser, launch the Java-based DPX Management Interface for the Catalogic DPX master server. Log in to Catalogic DPX with a system administrator user account.

  1. From the menu bar, click Help > Autoupdate DPX. A DPX Autoupdate Authentication dialog appears. Select a radio button at the top to control where the Update System checks for updates:

    • Check for updates using already downloaded patches The Update System checks for updates locally, in the Software Update package repository on the master server.

    • Check the online service for updates. This option is the default. The Update System attempts to check for updates on the website.

  1. Continue as follows, depending on which radio button you selected:

    • If you accepted the default, the autoupdate option, and have access to the Software Update System website, log in to the website. Then click OK. Continue to Step 5.

    • If you chose the local-update option, click OK. The Software Update System proceeds utilizing the Software Update packages residing on the master server in the Software Update package repository. After clicking OK, continue to Step 6.

  1. If you attempted in Step 2 to log into the Software Update System website, DPX authenticates the User ID and password, then verifies the connection.

    If your connection is successful, the Autoupdate Authentication dialog displays a message indicating successful connection. Click OK and continue to Step 7.

  1. Node scanning begins. The Software Update System determines whether Software Updates are available for each supported node in the Enterprise. It does this by identifying the update level of each node, and comparing it either to the Software Update System website or to the pre-populated Software Update package repository, depending on the update option (auto or local) you chose.

    Note. For information about manually populating the Software Update package repository on the master server, see Manually Populating the Software Update Package Repository. However, the recommended method is to use the Software Update System web service.

    As the node scanning process continues through the following steps, progress is indicated with a message at the bottom of the Autoupdate Authentication dialog. The node scanning process involves the following internal activity:

    • Retrieving nodes. This step involves the system getting a node listing from the master server's Catalog.

    • Querying nodes. This step involves the system performing a remote call to each node requesting version details.

    • Checking Online. This step performs a lookup against the Software Update System web service for each unique node version retrieved from the nodes. If you chose the local update option, this step executes quickly.

    • Finding updates. If you chose the autoupdate option, this step determines whether a more current update is available for each node by looking at the local Software Update package repository and comparing the results to the web service lookup. If it has been determined that an update is more current via the lookup, the file is downloaded later in the process (during the deployment step).

    Any nodes in the Enterprise that the Software Update System fails to successfully check because of connectivity issues are reported.

  2. An Update dialog appears displaying (a) a list of applicable available Software Update packages and (b) a list of applicable nodes.

    The top section of the window lists those Software Update packages that the Software Update System found for the Enterprise – whether by querying the Software Update System web service (autoupdate option) or scanning the Software Update package repository (local update option). The name of the update is listed as well as the level of the update.

    The bottom section of the window lists nodes that are updated with the various Software Update packages selected in the top section of the window. In the bottom section of the window, pay particular attention to the Level column (current node update level), the Update Level column (update level after proposed Software Update installation), and the Reboot column.

    In other words, the Software Update System provides you with the flexibility to select specific packages using the top list and then to refine your deployment by selecting only specific nodes to which to deploy those packages.

    Initially, all packages and nodes are selected for update, indicated by check marks. "Select All Updates" and "Select All Nodes" are also initially selected.

    Note that on this window, you can re-sort either the top or bottom list by clicking on the column headings. You can reorder the columns by dragging the column headings.

    On the Update dialog, do the following:

    1. Deselect those packages that you do not want to install by clicking on the associated check box. This deselects "Select All Updates" and also removes any affiliated nodes from the node list.

    2. Deselect any remaining nodes that you do not want to have updated by clicking on the associated check box. Be aware of the Reboot flag which indicates whether a node will be rebooted as part of the software update process. Reboot might be needed if updates to drivers are required, for example. Preventing a reboot is possible by switching the reboot flag to NO by using the drop-down list under the corresponding cell. Note that an update installation is not complete until the node is rebooted if a reboot was required. Delaying the node reboot might cause unexpected behavior.

    3. Click Update Now.

    4. A message might be displayed informing you that for some nodes the reboot option has been deactivated.

    5. An information, warning, or error dialog box might be displayed, as follows: If jobs are currently in progress, an error dialog box is displayed indicating, "Software updates cannot be deployed while jobs are running. Either cancel the running jobs or rerun the update process at a later time." a. Click OK to return to the Software Updates Packages selection window. You can then cancel the currently running jobs and directly go back to Step 6. If jobs are scheduled to start before the completion of the update process, a warning dialog box is displayed indicating, "Jobs are scheduled to start before the update process is complete. All activities will be suspended during the update process." Do one of the following: a. Click OK to start the update process, but be aware your scheduled jobs are delayed. b. Click Cancel to return to the Software Updates Packages selection window. You can then go back to Step 6 and deselect the nodes for which you have scheduled jobs conflicting with the update process. If no jobs are scheduled to start before the completion of the update process, an information dialog box is displayed indicating, "The Management Console will be unavailable during the update and closed at the end of the update." Do one of the following: a. Click OK to start the update process, during which all activities are suspended. b. Click Quit to return to the Software Updates Packages selection window.

  3. When you have to reboot nodes, click either Continue, Cancel to return the selection dialog, or Quit to quit the application.

  4. The next window displays the progress of the Software Package updates.

    Following is the sequence of events:

    1. Software Update package download. If, during the scanning step, it had been determined that more current updates are available via the Software Update System web service when compared with the Software Update package repository, the display indicates the Update packages are located remotely, otherwise the display indicates the Update Packages are in the local repository. Any updates found remotely initiate a download process. Each download is performed one at time and the outcome of the process is a new file located in the Software Update package repository.

    2. Software Update package deployment to remote nodes. The system determines if there are nodes that require the delivery of the Software Update package. If so the display indicates a "Push" operation in progress, during which time the package is sent to the node(s). This may be done simultaneously for multiple nodes. On the receiving node, the Software Update package is deposited in product-directory\updates\packages, where product-directory is the main product directory.

    3. Software update package installation. Once the "Push" operation has completed, the installation operation is carried out at the nodes. Again, this may be done simultaneously for multiple nodes. The Update Level column on the window gets updated when a Software Update installation completes.

    4. Node restart. Node restart occurs for those nodes where it is necessary. If the master server requires reboot, a dialog indicates this. Note. If the master server requires a software update, it is updated last. If the master server requires a reboot, it is rebooted last. Note. Clicking Abort at any time cancels installations that have not yet been performed but does not roll back those installations that have already occurred.

  5. On completion of the process, the Abort button to the left of the progress bar changes to Done.

    Review the status, then click Done to exit.

Last updated