Getting Node Information on the Java-based DPX Management Interface

  1. From the Java-based DPX Management Interface, click Help > Nodes info in the menu bar.

  2. In the dialog box that appears, click Start. The Enterprise is scanned for node information. A scan may take several minutes. After the first scan, subsequent displays of the dialog box immediately display the results of the previous scan. If you believe the system has changed since the last scan, click Refresh to rescan the system.

    (Optional) To save the Node Information table results, click Generate CSV File. You are prompted for the directory path where you want to save the CSV file. The CSV file can be open locally on your computer.

    Click Quit to close the Node Information display.

The nodes in the Enterprise are displayed in the scan and can be saved to a CSV file. If a node is not at the current Catalogic DPX Master Server release level, the icon beside the node will be displayed in red.

Last updated