Prerequisites for Restoring Recovery Databases of Microsoft Exchange Server

  • Only one source database and one recovery database can be selected in a single job.

  • You must explicitly select a recovery database in the restore DESTINATIONS pane.

  • You can use Catalogic DPX and recovery databases for mailbox databases of Microsoft Exchange Server only.

  • The target mailbox used for data merges and extraction must be in the same Active Directory forest as the database mounted in the recovery database.

  • The recovery database does not need to be mounted for restore to succeed.

  • When a recovery database is created in the Exchange Management Console, it will be in a dismounted state and the database is automatically set to be overwritten. Once the recovery database is mounted, the overwrite property is automatically reset to not allow overwrite, and subsequent restore jobs will fail unless you manually reset the overwrite property to allow overwrite.

Attention! Whenever an Exchange database is mounted, the Exchange overwrite property is automatically set to not allow overwrite. Before running a restore, you must manually set the Exchange overwrite property to allow overwrite. See Setting the Exchange Overwrite Property for Restores.

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