Setting Backup Retention

Typically, retention is set as part of the scheduler so any jobs that you decide to run from the command line inherits the default backup retention.

For Block backups, the default retention to be used is read from the Base backup retention in Configure > Defaults > Backup > Destination > Base. To modify the retention for backup jobs run from the command line, you can either use the command line to define the backup job with a "RETENTION <Value>" option as outlined later or alternatively you can modify the backup job definition file directly as follows:

  1. Since you will modify the database directly, it is recommended to find a quiet time and stop all product related services on the master server.

  2. Modify the globals file for the backup job, which exists in the db\JOB\<job name>\BASE subfolder of the product. Note that depending on the backup type, you may need to do this for DIFR and INCR subfolders.

  3. At the beginning of the file, enter your desired retention via the <RETENTION> variable.

  4. Save the file. In Windows, ensure that your editor (for example, Notepad) does not add an extension to the file when you save it.

  5. Restart all product related services on the master server.

  6. Rerun the backup job via the command line and notice that the retention value reflects the desired value.

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