Installing the Catalogic DPX Client for FreeBSD

After reviewing all prerequisites, you can take the following steps to install the Catalogic DPX Client on FreeBSD.

  1. Contact Catalogic Technical Support and request the installation program and its MD5 checksum of the Catalogic DPX Client for FreeBSD.

  2. Copy the installation program to the FreeBSD machine that you want to protect.

  3. Log in to the FreeBSD shell as root.

  4. Verify the MD5 checksum value of the Catalogic DPX Client for FreeBSD by using the following shell command:

    # md5sum ./DPX--freebsd7-x64-installer.bin
  5. Run the installation program:

    # ./DPX--freebsd7-x64-installer.bin

    Tip. You can run the installation program either from a command-line interface or a graphical interface with X Window system. In the graphical interface, the installer appears in a graphical dialog window.

    The installation program prompts you to read the Software License Agreement; proceed to the next step if you agree.

  6. Follow the instructions to set up the configurations:

    • Product directory to install the Catalogic DPX Client application (default: /opt/DPX/)

    • Logical node name (default: the host name of the client system)

    • Host name or the IPv4 address of the client node (default: the IPv4 address of the client system)

    • Group name. Enter a name of an existing node group to add this client node to the node group. Or, enter a new node group name so that Catalogic DPX creates a new node group with this name and add the client node to this new node group. (default: DefaultGroup)

    • Registering this client node with the Catalogic DPX Master Server as part of an Enterprise. Answer 2 ("No").

Complete the installation. If you have not registered the client node to the Catalogic DPX Master Server, go to the Java-based DPX Management Interface and add the client node to a node group.

See also. When you encounter any trouble while installing the Catalogic DPX Client for FreeBSD, see the next section: Troubleshooting installation of the Catalogic DPX Client on Linux or UNIX.

Last updated