Introduction to Administrator Configuration

Administrators are the authorized users of a DPX Enterprise. Each administrator has a password which is used for authentication.

Administrators are organized under administrator groups. Each administrator is a member of one administrator group.

Resources are assigned to administrator groups.

Privilege Classes are assigned to administrators.

SYSADMIN and SYSADMIN Administrator Group

By default, a special administrator named SYSADMIN exists, who is a member of the SYSADMIN administrator group. The SYSADMIN administrator group is always present in DPX.

All members of the SYSADMIN administrator group are special administrators and are not restricted in any way in DPX. All resources are automatically assigned to the SYSADMIN administrator group and full privileges are automatically assigned to the system administrators in the SYSADMIN group.

The SYSADMIN administrator can not be created or deleted by a user and it is not displayed on the Configure Administrators window as a member of the SYSADMIN administrator group. The password for the SYSADMIN administrator is determined when the Enterprise is added or edited in the Administrator Password field on the Configure Enterprise window.

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