Restoring Single Instance Storage

Single Instance Storage is a feature of Windows designed to save disk space. When two or more files are exact duplicates, Windows saves the contents only once in a special area. Windows assigns a unique name to the saved file (the SIS file) and replaces the contents of the original files with links to the SIS file.

DPX supports this feature in the following ways:

  • During a backup job, DPX backs up both the original files containing the link information and the associated SIS files.

  • During a File restore job, you must select for restore both the original files containing the link information and the associated SIS files. To restore an SIS file, perform the following steps as part of the larger restore job:

    1. In the Sources pane of the Restore Definition window, browse to an original file.

    2. Make note of the specific path and name of the associated SIS file, which is listed beneath the original file name.

    3. Browse to the SIS file and select the SIS file.

If you do not restore the SIS file by specifically selecting it as described above, the job log says SIS missing link file and provides the specific path and name of the SIS file. You must then define and execute another restore job, restoring only the SIS file.

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