Adding a Device Cluster

A device cluster is a logical grouping of non-tape library (standalone) backup devices. For information about adding a tape library, see Adding a Tape Library Device.

Guidelines for adding a device cluster:

  • Every device must be a member of one and only one device cluster.

  • All devices in a cluster must use the same media. For example, devices that use disk directories and devices that use tape cannot be in the same device cluster.

  • A single device cluster cannot contain both devices on a Storage Area Network (SAN) and devices directly connected to a server. They must be in separate device clusters.

To add a new device cluster:

  1. Click Configure on the Function Tab bar of the window, then click Devices.

  2. Open the Add Device Cluster dialog in the right pane by doing one of the following:

    • Right-click the Enterprise name or icon to display the Enterprise context menu. The selection check box indicates the selected Enterprise. Then select Add Device Cluster.

    • In the left pane, select the Enterprise to which you want to add the device cluster.

      • From the menu bar, select Device > Add Device Cluster.

      • On the task panel, click Add Device Cluster.

    The Add Device Cluster dialog appears.

  3. Complete the active fields in the Add Device Cluster dialog:

    • Device Cluster Name

      Enter a name (up to 48 alphanumeric characters, no spaces) for the device cluster (for example, SALES_DRIVES). No two device clusters in the Enterprise can have the same name.

    • Storage Area Network

      Specify whether devices in the device cluster are connected to a Storage Area Network (SAN). A single device cluster cannot contain both devices on a SAN and devices directly connected to a server.

    • Device Type

      Select a storage device type from the pull-down menu (for example, DLT). For backing up to a DiskDirectory, select DISKDIRECTORY.

    • Comment

      Enter an optional comment up to 48 characters.

  4. Select Add on the task menu at the top right of the right pane. If you are unable to see the task menu, resize the right pane.

The new device cluster name appears in the device resource tree in the left pane and is indicated by the selection check box. The add device cluster dialog in the right pane becomes the edit device cluster dialog for the new device cluster.

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