Step 1: Load TSAFS with GroupWise functionality on Linux OES

To load TSAFS with GroupWise on Linux OES:

  1. Verify that the daemon is running:

    /opt/Micro Focus/sms/bin/smsconfig –t

  2. Make sure you are logged in as root.

  3. Change to the directory where the SMS executables are located:

    cd /opt/Micro Focus/sms/bin

  4. Stop TSAFS:

    ./smsconfig -u tsafs

  5. Start TSAFS with GroupWise functionality:

    ./smsconfig -l tsafs –-EnableGW

  6. Verify that TSAFS is running with GroupWise functionality:

    ./smsconfig –t

    The following is displayed:

    The loaded TSAs are:
    tsafs –-EnableGW
  7. Make GroupWise functionality the default by modifying the SMS configuration file, as follows:

    1. Change to the directory where the SMS configuration file is located:

      cd /etc/opt/Micro Focus/sms

    2. In a text editor, open the smdrd.conf file.

    3. Change autoload: tsafs to autoload: tsafs --EnableGW

    4. Save the file and exit.

  8. Restart SMS services to ensure the changes made to the SMS configuration file smdrd.conf take effect:

    /etc/init.d/service Micro Focus-smdrd restart

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