Filtering the Media Volume List

If the listing of media volumes is long, you can filter the media list in the Configure Media window to make it more manageable.

To filter items in a list:

  1. Determine the criteria for the basis of the list filter.

  2. Click Job Filter from the task panel. The Job Filter dialog opens. To show all fields, click Show All, which removes the effect of the filter.

  3. The Filter dialog may have several tabs including String Filter, Numeric Filter, and Date Filter. Select the appropriate tab based upon your filter criteria. Note that you can choose more than one filter criterion.

  4. Use the check boxes to select the fields appropriate for your criteria.

  5. For the selected criteria, select a condition from the Condition drop down menu then enter an appropriate value or string in the next edit field. On the String Filter tab, you can also select a secondary field for any criterion to act in union with.

  6. When all criteria are defined, click Apply Filter. The report changes to include only those rows that meet the filter criteria.

The following are additional filtering considerations:

  • In the title bar of the original window, the number of filtering criteria are listed.

  • Once a filtering definition has been deployed for a window, that criteria will persist on the local machine until the filtering definition is cleared or changed. This means that even if a session is closed and restarted, the filter criteria remains in place.

To clear filtering:

To remove a filter, click Reset All.

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