Updating Catalogic DPX Using Autoupdate

You can update the Catalogic DPX Master Server and all nodes in its Enterprises from the Java-based DPX Management Interface. Typically, the autoupdate methods are easy to invoke and troubleshoot comparing to the CLI update method. Make your Catalogic DPX Master Server access the Internet so that the autoupdate can download the latest update packages automatically and install these on the Catalogic DPX Master Server or its nodes (the online update method). Or, if you do not want to make the Catalogic DPX Master Server access the Internet, you can manually store update package files in the repository directory of the Catalogic DPX Master Server, and then start the autoupdate (the offline autoupdate method).

Attention! If you are using the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance for VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V, update the system to Version 4.8.0 first. After that, follow the instructions in Chapter 5: Updating Catalogic DPX virtual appliances 4.8.0 to 4.8.1.

Last updated