Job Monitor Interval and Maximum Jobs

The job monitor allows you to determine the job monitor interval and the maximum number of jobs that can be monitored at once. The job monitor interval is the frequency that Catalogic DPX queries and reports job details. The job monitor interval and the maximum jobs are directly related; that is, the greater the reporting interval, the greater the number of jobs that can be monitored.

To set the job monitor interval and the maximum jobs, take the following steps:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the job list. A context menu appears.

  2. Move the mouse over Update Interval. Another context menu appears providing a choice of job monitor intervals.

    The following table illustrates the relationship between job monitor interval and maximum jobs:

    Job Monitor Interval
    Maximum Number of Jobs

    10 seconds

    3 jobs

    30 seconds

    5 jobs

    1 minute

    7 jobs

    5 minutes

    10 jobs

  3. Select an update interval. The selected values of the job monitor interval and maximum jobs appear in the Monitor Jobs window title bar.

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