Editing Configuration Files in the Catalogic DPX Master Server for Linux and UNIX

Some parameters are not available in the Parameter Configuration Interface of the Java-based DPX Management Interface, and you have to edit the parameter files in the Catalogic DPX Master Server for UNIX or Linux which includes the virtual appliance edition for VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V.

Log in to a shell session of the Catalogic DPX Master Server as dpxadmin, typically, by using an SSH client. Go to the product path.

To find the product path, run the following command in a shell session:

$ echo "Product path: $(find / -type d -path "*/catalogic/DPX" 2>/dev/null)/"

For example, in the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance for VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V, you should see the following output:

Product path: /catalogic/DPX/

In the product path directory, you should see the following configuration files:

  • <product path>/bin/<module name>

  • <product path>/misc/SSICMAPI

  • <product path>/bin/bexenv

  • <product path>/misc/bexads

These configuration files can be overwritten during the product upgrade.

In addition, you can create and add or edit parameters in the following permanent configuration files by using a text editor such as Vi:

  • <product path>/bin/bexenv.conf

  • <product path>/misc/bexads.conf

Unlike bexenv or bexads which does not have the .conf file extension, contents in bexenv.conf and bexads.conf are preserved after the product upgrade.

After adding or editing a parameter, restart the SSCMAGENT service by following the instructions in Managing the CMAgent Service.

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