Updating the Operating System of the Catalogic DPX Master Server Virtual Appliance

Before upgrading the Catalogic DPX product components in the virtual appliance, take the following steps to update the operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to AlmaLinux OS:

  1. In the shell session, switch to root access:

    $ sudo bash
  2. Go to the directory in which the upgrade files are stored:

    # cd /catalogic/upgrade/
  3. Run the upgrade script with the --upgrade-os flag: # ./dpx_update_4.8.1.sh --upgrade-os dpx_update_4.8.1.iso Follow the instructions on the screen. The script initiates the pre-upgrade test. When the test fails, see the logs as instructed on the screen, and ensure that you have completed all the prerequisites. Or, contact Catalogic Technical Support for assistance. Wait until the upgrade script is completed and the system automatically restarts.

  4. After the first system restart, open the virtual monitor on your hypervisor and ensure that the system is installing the Leapp installer with the updater kernel. Then, the system restarts automatically again.

  5. After the second system restart, run the following command and ensure that the operating system is now using AlmaLinux OS 8:

    $ cat /etc/centos-release

Now, you are ready to update the product components of Catalogic DPX.

Last updated