Confirm Setup

Before using DPX for DB2, do the following:

  1. Confirm the following conditions:

    • On UNIX, your configured sbt11cfg.BEX is in the directory in which DPX is installed. On Windows, it is in your Windows system directory.

    • The SSPRODIR and SSICMAPI environmental settings are properly configured in the sbt11cfg.BEX script.

    • The library path variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH, SHLIB_PATH, etc.) contain the DPX and DB2 directories where the shared libraries reside.

    • For UNIX, CMAGENT is running as a process from root. For Windows, the CMAGENT process is running as a local system account.

  2. Run the two executables, BEXSTORE and BEXFETCH, as described below.

    To run BEXSTORE and BEXFETCH on Windows:

    • Click Start > Programs > DPX > Database Configuration Utility.

    • The Application Interface Configuration dialog appears.

    • In the right pane, enter the master server hostname, user name, and password.

    • In the left pane, select bexstore or bexfetch.

    • Follow instructions provided in the right pane.


    BEXSTORE and BEXFETCH are in the bin subdirectory of the directory in which DPX is installed and can be run from a script or from a DOS prompt.

    Note. BEXSTORE and BEXFETCH are not supported on OES.

    Note. The examples below are generic UNIX examples and would appear differently in a Windows environment.

    • BEXSTORE streams data to tape using the information in the sbt11cfg.BEX configuration file. The format of the command is:

        ./bexstore "<name of backup job>" "<command to execute>"

      Note that each of the two arguments must be enclosed in quotation marks.

      For example, to create a job named "bujob1" that will store a UNIX "cat" of a file named evthnd.str, the BEXSTORE command could be:

        ./bexstore "bujob1" "cat evthnd.str"

    • BEXFETCH retrieves data streams from a previously run job by using the information in the sbt11cfg.BEX configuration file. The format of the command is:

        ./bexfetch "<name of backup job>" "<command and 
        output file name>"

      Note that each of the two arguments must be enclosed in quotation marks.

      For example, to retrieve the job named "bujob1" from our BEXSTORE example above, the BEXFETCH command could be:

        ./bexfetch "bujob1" "cat>resultfile.txt"
  3. Run a comparison to confirm that the restored file is the same as the original. For example:

     diff evthnd.str resultfile.txt

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