Upgrading the Catalogic DPX Master Server

Take the following steps to upgrade the Catalogic DPX Master Server:

  1. Condense the catalog and correct any errors before continuing.

See also. For more information about condensing the Catalog, see Condense: Freeing Resources in the Catalog in the User’s Guide.

  1. Back up the Catalog.

See also. For more information about backing up the Catalog, see Backup: Protecting the Catalog Data in the User’s Guide.

  1. Pause all scheduled jobs. Wait and ensure that none of jobs is running.

  2. From your workstation, go to the product page in the Catalogic Software MySupport site. Download the latest version of the Catalogic DPX Master Server upgrade script, update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh, where <x.x.x> represents the version number.

    In the offline upgrade method, also download the latest Catalogic DPX ISO file, dpx_update_<x.x.x>.iso, where <x.x.x> represents the version number.

  3. Copy the Catalogic DPX Master Server upgrade script (update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh) to the Catalogic DPX Master Server by using an SCP client. You can temporarily store the upgrade script file and the ISO file for the offline upgrade method in the /tmp/ directory.

Tip. The default user name for the Catalogic DPX shell is dpxadmin, and the default password is dpxadmin.

  1. Log in to the shell session of the Catalogic DPX Master Server appliance, typically, by using an SSH client.

  2. In the Catalogic DPX Master Server shell session, create the upload directory, /catalogic/upload/, and go to this directory:

    $ sudo mkdir /catalogic/upload/
    $ cd /catalogic/upload/
  3. Move the Catalogic DPX Master Server upgrade script to the upload directory. You can use the following command if you stored the upgrade script file in the /tmp/ directory:

    $ sudo mv /tmp/update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh  /catalogic/upload/

    In the offline upgrade method, also move the ISO file to the upload directory in a similar way:

    $ sudo mv /tmp/dpx_update_<x.x.x>.iso /catalogic/upload/
  4. Ensure that you have all files that are required to upgrade, and verify the file integrity by comparing the MD5 checksum values between the files and those in the list of the Catalogic MySupport page:

    $ md5sum /catalogic/upload/*

    Remove irrelevant files in the upload directory.

  5. Modify the file permissions of the script file by using the following command:

    $ sudo chmod +x /catalogic/upload/update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh
  6. In the online upgrade method, ensure that the Catalogic DPX Master Server is connected with the Internet and run the upgrade script to start upgrading, typically, by using the following command:

    $ sudo ./update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh

    In the offline upgrade method, add the ISO file name in the script argument:

    $ sudo ./update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh dpx_update_<x.x.x>.iso

    If you are upgrading the Catalogic DPX Master Server from Version 4.6.1 or earlier, add the --removevStor option to delete the embedded Catalogic vStor server.

    $ sudo ./update_dpx_<x.x.x>.sh --removevStor

    Attention! This operation will also delete all data in the embedded Catalogic vStor server.

    Follow the instructions in the upgrade script.

  7. After completing the upgrade script, restart the Catalogic DPX Master Server appliance.

Last updated